Monday, July 18, 2011

Wish list

Along with the personalized instruction manual, I have several other things on my pdd-nos wish list.  In fact, the list is becoming rather long.  Here are just a few:

1) A book specifically designed to present and practice everyday conversations, introductions, and greetings to kids who it isn't so obvious for.  Things like answering what their name, age, favorite books are, etc.  Every time I try to make my own it comes out more like a photo album- which I think would be more of a distraction than a help.  Also, books that specifically deal with the who, what, where, when questions.  If anyone knows of books like these please fill me in.  If you dabble in story books, please make some.  It would be a gold mine among the autism community.

2) An answer for why Isaac manages to bite his tongue every other day resulting in a very dramatic show of tears.

3) A small section of medical insurance that would cover some expenditures such as a weighted vest, rising gfcf food costs, etc.

4) For it to be mandatory for every grocery store to have a decent allergen-free food section where at least once a month the food goes on sale.

What's on your wish list?

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