Monday, January 16, 2012

Blame Winter

I'm so glad that Isaac already had today off due to it being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, because he would have missed school otherwise.  Ah, yes, winter germs are here in full force with a pretty intense cold.  I'm taking the opportunity to make Isaac watch all of the educational videos we bought him for Christmas.  The original plan was a puzzle marathon, but when he started melting down over me putting together the purple car I thought it was time for another idea.  He's been frequenting the LeapFrog learning dvds since Christmas, and with much success.  Thanks to Math Adventure to the Moon he can count to 100 by 10s and is going around the house making patterns with different objects.  Thanks to Word Caper Isaac can tell you which letters are vowels and what the silent 'e' does.  Today I thought it was time to break out the Meet the Sight Words dvds, and confine my snotty boy to his easy-chair under the guise of visual learning but really for my own sanity.  I'm happy to say that he enjoyed the videos and was recognizing a few more sight words by the end.  As well as visual learning works for Isaac, I'm really hoping for a quick end to this cold so that he can go back to school soon.  That way he can waste their tissues.  If you're a mom, you know what I'm talking about.

Other educational feats involve FINALLY purchasing some pencil grips (I found them at Target)!  Isaac methodically put one on each colored pencil, and we spent about an hour spelling, sounding out, and writing words with much more neatness and control.  He would name a word that he wanted to learn to spell, we would sound it out together, and he would write it all by himself inside a "buddy box"- a long rectangle drawn to confine his often too big hand writing.  Just another example of "why did it take me so long to get around to doing this?"  Ah well, when all else fails blame winter.

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