Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mixing business with pleasure

Twas the day before Thanksgiving and all through the house, not a creature was stirring... because we were all at work!  All three of us.  Through some juggling act I managed to book two cleaning jobs, a random act of kindness, and the arrival of my in-laws for the same day.  Oh, and I had Isaac with me for all of it.  If my child needs help being more "flexible" in his routine, it did not show this day.  I swept him through morning chores to my first cleaning job, to lunch in the car, to my second cleaning job, to Walmart, and to a nursing home all in one morning and afternoon.  He went along with my rushing with good temper.  He enjoyed a dance party with my client's 11 year old daughter at my second cleaning job.  Yes, I was scrubbing a toilet and he was getting his groove on to remixes of 80s songs.  I was all business, he was all pleasure. 

All was moving smoothly for us to deliver our homemade Thanksgiving cards to a nursing home before meeting grandma and grandpa at home until some less than smooth motorskills and a too full glass of water caused us to make a side trip to Walmart for a dry shirt and socks before heading onto our good-deed destination.  To this day Isaac will demand his shirt off if the tiniest drop of water lands on it.  I got to be the mom in Walmart with the kid with no shirt on under his winter coat, and putting said shirt on him in the parking lot.  Hitting my head on the ceiling of the car and swearing under my breath- all because I said to myself that morning "Nah, he won't need an extra set of clothes... It'll be fine."  Fun!  But  I was not going to lose momentum by stopping home for these items.  We were on a mission!  The saddest part is that we lost Isaac's favorite and famous pair of red sunglasses somewhere between the socks and the shirts. = (  He handled it without tears, though.  And on we went to deliver these:

This post is titled "mixing business with pleasure" because we did just that.  The business was that I was making my Sunday school class do one random act of kindness that week, and I will never ask a teenager to do something I wouldn't do myself so Isaac and I made these cards for some folks at the nursing home near us.  In every card I had Isaac write "Happy Thanksgiving" and sign his name.  I would tell him how to spell it and he would write it- great practice for writing, spelling, coloring, and pasting skills.  The pleasure part was delivering them.  We crashed an unsuspecting Bingo game at the nursing home and Isaac handed one to each table and said "Happy Thanksgiving!"  I think we all loved it.  We'll definitely be doing this again closer to Christmas.

The same day we made the cards, Isaac also made these turkey decorations:

He drew, colored, and cut them out.  Mixing some motor-skill business with a little festive fun!  I hope your Thanksgiving was just as fun.  Stay tuned for any more rare and wonderful super-mom days in the future.  I think I get one per year.  This was definitely it.

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